Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Friendship.. the true shit..!!

There comes a moment wen u terribly want to speak out ur mind but it shuts u out of all the goddamn ideas u once had n thats precisely wen u resort to plagiarism :P
This is one such instance. I tumbled upon this on a facebook page of a cousin of mine. I was so struck by the factual element in it taht i couldnt help posting it here.. Sorry sis(for liftin it off u), if at all u get to see this..

True Friendship

None of that Sissy Crap

Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship.

You will see no cute little smiley faces on this card, just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

1. When you are sad - I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad.

2. When you are blue - I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile - I will know you are thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in.

4. When you are scared - I will rag you about it every chance I get until you're NOT.

5. When you are worried - I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining.

6. When you are confused - I will try to use only little words.

7. When you are sick - Stay the hell away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall - I will laugh at your clumsy ass, but I'll help you up.

9. This is my oath.... I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask; because you are my friend.

Friendship is like peeing in your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

Send this to 10 of your closest friends,

Then get depressed because you can only think of 4.

Monday, July 20, 2009

F*** my luck

Yeah you read it right and you can re-utter the title if that sound made u feel better...

Hmmm....after a long longtime im dedicating my precious time (of boredom,solitude,joblessness,watever..during hols ) to our blog ( here again .. this is my first post and im occupying my space here with "WE" :P ... me and PiPu )It took these many ages for me to write ,getting asskicked by the owner constantly .. im proud to be lazy.
Before coming back to the topic ( still im not sure if im going back to the main topic or not ... so,dont xpect huge NOTES on the actual theme.readers should be patient with my awful writing) This is my first public blog post (not sure again what that egjactly mean? :P ) and people are supposed to be nice but frank with this amateur beginner...I dont have any rules of writing (nor i know if ny rules exist for bloggers ), ny rules on what to write and what-not-to write ,so please dont make pissing-off suggestions/advices here.OKAY enuf of those rude statements,anyway thnks for reading till this point and i mean it.

The following content is the outcome of various situations/experiences/incidents of an unlucky guy protesting how unfair everything-around-him treats him at random times."Contains added exaggeration" (to spice it up /save u frm boredom ) and not everything written here are facts.Okey.. here the unlucky guy is me unluckily :P and I've decided to jot this down as (what people call ) BADluck started bothering me too much these days( from past 3 months ).please note that my mind is not always haunted with the BADLUCK factor nor im searching for badluck in every situation/incident.. it just makes me utter again and again "why me?? "(im unlucky again and again ).When I mentioned 3 months earlier that doesnt mean im lucky earlier..its just that i got much more unlucky(unluckily :P) .. here you can imagine me as jake hardin in "just my luck" and here there is no exagerration and im not waiting/dreaming for a smooch!!( for those who havent seen the muvi .. you didnt miss nything ).Ok u are thinking 'wtf .. too many blind statements' im tryin to prove my point with these incidents( and im not waiting for ur approval here :P ).Most of them may seem silly/abnormal/foolish but try to understand the outrage in my protest .

* Isnt it unlucky when you have to spend ur time near mechanic shops 3 times on a day coz of 2 punctures(2 distinct bikes at 2 distinct times with 2 distinct guys and im the only common thing here (unluckily ) and once for some unknown engine failure(still a mystery..and I had to drive 20 kms in 1 hr 20 min only/-).And (un)luckily that day is a damn hot day.
* One day starts ( when im in high spirits to listen to a particular song on my pc ) with a power cut (imagine) from 9 in the morning to 6 PM( here again .. officially the powercut should be till 2 PM )
* Always the guy in the front row waiting for a green signal in traffic(though its not huge) coz it just goes red a few seconds before me( this happens 'n' number of times!! ) .... wtf is probability doing here??
* Comfortably mine is the cut-off mark(lower..ob'ly ) for most of the crucial(what they call ) CDCs .3 out of 3 makeups rejected(while numerous people are granted for the same reason) in a sem .Making terrible grades in sackest courses in bits ( being a victim of MAKE-UPs again ).How unfair it is when other people around you are doing great with makeups and Me getting ******d up again and again .
* Lost my dad's mobile as soon as I got down from a bus.Here, I grabbed that mobile(after many negotiations) to listen to my favourite songs and unluckily again one of the ear-phone didnt work for 5 hours in my journey(this defective earphone worked back normally when i accidentally tapped it when the charging is down and the song goes dead .. switch -off!!).If this doesnt appeal to you ... unfortunately i had RCd the lost mobile for around 200 bucks in view of loOoOng summer holidays( what a planning sirJee!! ).
* When appreciating my own discipline a few days back for going 15min before 2:30 ,the normal scheduled showtime,luckily the timings are re-scheduled to 1:45 the very day I moved my a** frm bed.

The point is im not trying to prove that im unlucky .. the decision is made and im being the victim from (seems to be) ages n ages .I bet there are 'n' more examples of my haunting badluck and my numb brain couldnt dig and shoot 'em out nymore.Okay guys.. telling you again i havent become gloom-on-my-face sort of guy for this badluck factor but at times its really funny when only I ( mostly) become the victim(feels like fighting with someone invisible.. the inevitable) .. sometimes makes me feel special, the chosen one. (luck lo emundi kick :P ) I personally got used to it comfortably these days and im enjoying it (some songs strike your head in those unlucky situations keeps striking you back and its really amusing then ... there is a song for every ocassion!!).Few of my friends knows well about these statements and we had lot of fun with "my" badluck at different times.
Here is my message ....Give each day a good start and no matter what happens( watever turns u down ) make your day HAPPENING.Dont afford to lose LIFE in a day of your life. ( changing the track .. pretty irrelevant though ) .Enough of this topic and there is nothing in my mind to squeeze out right now. Thanks for reaching(reading) till this point(leave any comments/suggestions..i'll be truly gratefull),Thanks to PiPu for giving me this wonderful oppurtunity :P and hoping to come back with an interesting post.
BubHye !