Saturday, October 4, 2008 Is!!!!

Life... define it and be cognitive of the fact that the true meaning is a mystery. Search for the same and you will end up on a wild-goose chase. 'Live it', some say, but whats the point when you do not know its significance. Try to understand life and you will take an enthralling journey into the mysteries of life, solving a few but ending up with more.

The enigmatic memories of the past coupled with future expectations painted perfectly by the creative part in you, the power of which is beyond measure. As the events of the past upon retrospect solve some riddles but bring up quite a few at the same time, leaving you in an emotional turmoil, if overcome would result in having a whole new perspective of life.

Ayn Rand says,"Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose but not the power to escape the necessity of choice." Lets ignore the latter half of the statement for the time being, which i assure you has a lot of bearing for the protagonists of objectivism. Now, what about God or rather the existence of the superior force that has a say in our fate. That is one of the questions of life that would mystify me for ever.

As you dig deeper the thoughts ultimately turn to one's self and then the soul. There are three personalities trapped in the body of a normal human-being:
1. The one you project yourself to be
2. The one others perceive you to be
3. And finally the inner you that remains hidden in the wraps of self-assurances and fear of rejection.
The inner you, that comes to the surface only in cases of stress, drives you in the significant decisions much to your own astonishment and of the people around you. This leaves me with the attitude that's best suited for one's self.. Is happy-go-lucky the best way for all times?? or is I-don't-give-a-damn resolves all the problems instead of creating them.... But if scrutinized carefully, you will understand the point i am trying to make. The former attitude is a manifestation of the latter that one projects and bestows the driver seat to the latter in extreme conditions...

The ethical values come to the surface once others step into the picture. Am I ethically correct in either outright expression of my feelings or hiding them deep inside my heart?? The probe mystifies with the integration of the ethical element.

I ain't sure where this is ultimately going to lead but one thing I have learnt is 'Life isnt simple' and probably it shouldn't be. The mysterious potential that it holds and the power of reason is what that's driving me forward in this quest for the meaning. The same mysterious potential that unravels itself to an extent permissible resulting in...... Serendipity!!!!